Below is a list of the routine maintenance I do. Most of my sailing is in salt water, but these will help over time no matter where you sail.

Before every regatta
Check over major fasteners to make sure they haven’t loosened up. Chainplate bolts, gudgeons, traveler blocks, other hardware attachment points; finding problems early might just save the day.
Check over mast before stepping. Any signs of corrosion? Halyard blocks spinning freely? Spreaders/standing rigging okay?
Check jib luff wire for kinks or signs of corrosion.
Check over boom hardware, especially those rivets!
Check lines for chafe. Retie at a different length if possible (I’m looking at you, outhaul). Replace any that have worn through more than 20 percent of the core. Every boat has different rough spots; learn yours and pay special attention to nearby lines.
Polish the hull to keep water stains out and shine in. We use either McLube Hullkote (easier to apply, doesn’t last as long) or Starbrite Teflon.
Before every race day
Check that knots are tight where they belong (hiking straps, sheet and halyard tails) and haven’t snuck in anywhere they don’t belong.
Check lines for chafe, again
Replace missing telltales
Check tiller extension universal for cracks; if you see any, replace or rig a safety line.
After every race day
Rinse everything well, especially in warmer locations (where salt spray dries thick and crusty). Several areas are easy to miss:
Inside the boom (I will never forget this one ever again, and neither will Peter).
Blades (especially the centerboard). Rinse both sides well.
Anywhere stainless and aluminum come in contact (chainplates, mast ram, mast step, tiller extension attachment)
Jibetech owners: rinse down inside the jib cloth tube.
Fix any problems right after sailing; don’t wait until the next morning. It always takes longer than you think.
After every regatta
Rinse mast, spreaders, and rigging and make sure water can drain out of mast tube. Soap up blocks and cleats to keep ratchets running smoothly.
Remove all rigging tape (it holds salt).
If you sky the halyards and store your mast in a bag (like I do), rinse the halyard tails and do NOT tape them against the mast.
Remove an inspection port (to let hull breathe).
Trailer/store boat with bailer open.
Relieve pressure on tie down straps when not in use.
Bonus tips
At least once a season, go over every inch of hull and deck. Fix any dings (or get a friendly boatbuilder to fix them for you), even if they aren’t all the way through the gelcoat.
If you have Sta-masters, adjust them by hand only; using a wrench will trash the threads. And if you ever tie up at a dock (or next to another Snipe) where there’s even a hint of chop, tape around the clips to save them from getting damaged.
I’m sure there’s much more, but I’ll leave it there for now.
And last but definitely not least, rig an outhaul safety line!